Witnessing Jurassic Park in 1993 was a life-changing moment. It was the blockbuster to end all blockbusters and my eyes practically burst out of my skull at the sight of what Steven Spielberg had cooked up. For the last 29 years, Universal Pictures has frantically attempted to recapture that lightning-in-a-bottle moment with a series of sequels that have never come close to the magic of the original. While the two recent Jurassic World films both performed staggeringly well at the box office, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who...

After millions of fans spent more than three decades pining for a sequel to the seminal 80s action classic Top Gun, that dastardly global pandemic meant the wait for Top Gun: Maverick became even longer. With more covid-induced release date delays than you can count on one hand, the highly-anticipated sequel finally arrives in cinemas 36 years after its predecessor. For those watching the record books, that's the second-longest gap between a movie and its sequel in cinema history (Mary Poppins Returns pips it by a few decades). As...

Way back in 1923, Walt Disney and his animation partner Ub Iwerks got their start by producing a series of silent Alice Comedies short films featuring a live-action child actress inside an animated world. In 1988, Touchstone Pictures flipped this concept by blending cartoon characters into the real world in the masterpiece that was Who Framed Roger Rabbit. There are many who have longed for a Roger Rabbit sequel for the last 34 years. That blessed day may still come. For now, you've been granted the next best...

In a case of auspicious timing, a queer love story set in the days of the Soviet Union will arrive in Australian cinemas at a time when Russia faces global condemnation for its horrifying war on Ukraine. However, special one-night-only screenings of Peeter Rebane's Firebird are actually timed to coincide with International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia on May 17. A sweeping epic that's somewhat damaged by its hokey screenplay, Firebird ultimately soars on the backs of its two leads whose intoxicating chemistry crafts a captivating gay romance...

After more than a decade of films that mostly followed the same tried and true formula, Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems determined to offer something different, particularly its commitment to completely shattering the notion of reality by virtue of its newfound obsession with the "multiverse" concept. Disney+ shows like WandaVision, Loki, and What If...

The sweeping British melodrama Downton Abbey represents one of the last great successes of broadcast television before the advent of streaming services changed the way programs were consumed. From 2011 to 2015, millions of viewers tuned in each week for the upstairs-downstairs exploits of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants. A feature film followed in 2019 as a way to bookend the popular series. But strong reviews and a worldwide box office of almost $200 million mean it's time to venture back to Downton for an unexpected...

It's been over a week since I experienced one of the most singularly unique films I've ever witnessed and I'm still struggling to find the right words to properly describe its majesty. A visually stunning and emotionally resonant masterpiece, Everything Everywhere All At Once might just be the best film of the year. That's a mighty big call to make in mid-April, but it's genuinely difficult to fathom another piece of cinema leaving such an indelible impression. A film that will completely overload your brain and heart in the...

From Romancing the Stone and The Mummy to Six Days, Seven Nights and Jungle Cruise, Hollywood has always loved the age-old conceit of throwing two beautiful mismatched characters in an exotic setting and watching the action, adventure, and romance ensue. That's the case this year with The Lost City, a breezily enjoyable piece of fluffy throwback cinema that's tremendously elevated by the impeccable chemistry of Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum and the humour of a spirited ensemble cast. This one doesn't exactly break the mould, but it's still a hell...

Say what you will about auteur of the outlandish Michael Bay but the man knows his brand and has steadfastly stuck to it for almost three decades. Bay has never met a building he doesn't want to destroy or a car he doesn't want to explode. You know exactly what you're getting when you plonk your cash down for the latest Bay blockbuster. That's precisely the case with Ambulance; a (literally) non-stop action thriller that's as exhausting as it is entertaining. While Ambulance may not reach the heights of Bay's 90s...

In the late 1980s and 1990s, Disney infused Broadway sensibilities into their animated feature films to spectacular results (thank you, Howard Ashman). It seems only fitting Disney+ is the streaming platform to deliver a film that plays like a charming love letter to Broadway and the kids who dream of seeing their name in lights. A gorgeous little gem that will speak to the soul of every theatre kid, Better Nate Than Ever is a real winner. Precocious 13-year-old Nate Foster (a phenomenal debut from Rueby Wood) is a major musical...

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