Now that WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier have firmly established the television spin-off world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's time to turn our attention to the franchise's favourite mischievous scamp. The MCU has delivered a chequered roster of villains over the past decade. While there's been the highs of Avengers: Infinity War's Thanos and Black Panther's Erik Killmonger, there's also the lows of Iron Man 2's Whiplash and Thor: The Dark World's Malekith. But the most enduring villain of this lengthy saga has undoubtedly been...

With three Tony Awards, three Grammys, an Emmy, an Oscar nomination, and a Pulitzer Prize, it's no surprise Lin-Manuel Miranda is the most in-demand man in Hollywood right now. In 2021, he'll be responsible for composing original songs for not one but two animated films (Sony Pictures' Vivo and Disney's Encanto) plus make his feature directorial debut with Netflix's musical Tick, Tick...

With two chapters, five spin-offs, and close to $2 billion at the worldwide box office, The Conjuring Universe is one of the most successful horror movie franchises in cinema history. From the high of 2013's The Conjuring to the low of 2018's The Nun (which, staggeringly, remains the highest-grossing film thus far), it's been an uneven saga where nothing has come close to matching the exhilarating terror of the film that started it all. Naturally, that won't stop Warner Bros. from eliciting a third film from the case files...

In the late 1950s, Walt Disney was genuinely on the verge of shutting down his beloved animation department after the artistically brilliant but commercially disappointing Sleeping Beauty almost bankrupted Walt Disney Productions. It would fall to an inexpensively produced animated animal caper to save Disney animation, and, in the process, give birth to one of the studio's most enduring villains. Designed by the legendary Marc Davis and voiced by the indomitable Betty Lou Gerson, the maniacal Cruella de Vil completely stole the show in One Hundred and One Dalmatians...

In an uncomfortable twist of irony, a film set in a post-apocalyptic world was one of the first cinematic casualties of the 2020 global pandemic that was causing all manner of terrifying visions of the future. Some 14 months ago, this film critic was mere days away from seeing an advance screening of A Quiet Place Part II before the entire film world was essentially put on pause for the rest of the year. And now that very film just might be the answer to getting audiences back...

A director whose previous three films have been nominated for a total of 17 Academy Awards including two Best Picture nominations. A six-time Oscar nominee in the lead role plus two Oscar winners in the supporting cast. A screenplay from a Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright. A score by one of the most beloved film composers in modern history. A cinematographer with five Oscar nods to his name. All of these impeccable ingredients would suggest something truly special was on the way. Where, oh where, did it...

It wasn't all that long ago a brand-new Saw film appeared in cinemas every Halloween for seven consecutive years. In a move few saw coming, it quickly became one of the most strangely enduring horror franchises in history. And one of the most profitable. With a combined budget of just $77 million, the eight films of the Saw saga (you've probably forgotten 2017's tepid soft reboot Jigsaw) have collectively earned a staggering $976 million at the worldwide box office. You can see why Lionsgate refuses to let this franchise die. Despite...

Fire is one of mother nature's most giving and unforgiving elements. Its heat provides warmth and fuels our lives, but its uncontrollable wrath creates destruction and death, particularly in the wilderness of somewhere like Montana. It's here that co-writer/director Taylor Sheridan lays the scene of his latest occasionally-brutal neo-Western thriller where he'd like you to believe fire can be a character all in itself. It's a shame he didn't pay as close attention to the humans running from its fury. A throwback action blockbuster in the tradition of films...

After winning their umpteenth Academy Award for Best Animated Feature this week, Pixar continues to strengthen their stranglehold on the world of animation. They changed the game with Toy Story back in 1995 and have dominated the animated space ever since. But if there's one animation studio that feels like it could lay claim to Pixar's crown, it's Sony Pictures Animation and their dynamic production duo Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Their vastly underrated 2009 gem Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs hinted at the greatest that was to...

With over 100 million book sales and half a dozen film adaptations, Tom Clancy has been a dominant force in the spy thriller game for the better part of three decades. The trio of Jack Ryan films (including two starring Harrison Ford) were huge successes in the 1990s, but flat reboots starring Ben Affleck and Chris Pine failed to fire. While that particular protagonist has found new life on television, Hollywood is now turning its attention to another of Clancy's heroes. A big-screen adaptation that has been languishing in...

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