The one that made hearts soar. By the early 1940s, the situation at Walt Disney Productions was beginning to look somewhat dire. Despite huge critical acclaim and several Academy Awards for their first three animated feature films, the heavy losses occurred from the box office failures of Pinocchio and Fantasia were taking their toll on the company and Walt Disney himself. With World War II continuing to eliminate the possibility of Disney capturing the lucrative European box office dollars, Walt keenly understood the studio's only hope was to produce their...

The one that brought classical music to life. After delivering two acclaimed animated masterpieces, most would assume Walt Disney might merely play it safe with his third animated feature film and simply deliver another family-friendly animation to charm audiences across the globe. But Walt was never one to take the expected path. Just eight months after the release of Pinocchio, he would unveil his most ambitious work thus far that challenged everything Disney had established within the animated film genre. Fantasia was an enormously risky undertaking that completely abandoned the...

The one that taught us to wish upon a star. How do you follow up a game-changing film which genuinely made history in more ways than one? After the unprecedented success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, this was the daunting task now facing Walt Disney. To say there was an enormous weight of expectation on Walt Disney Productions' sophomore animated feature film would be an understatement. Thankfully, it appears this was the very environment Walt thrived within. Walt knew his team had to take the lessons they had...

The one that started it all. For 93 years, that's often been the prefix attached to Walt Disney's perilously ambitious Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Standing as the first full-length animated feature in motion picture history, the film had plenty to prove and even more to lose. The fate of Walt Disney Productions legitimately hung in the balance. Everything was riding on the success of Walt's seemingly insane venture many assumed would fall flat on its face. Walt's brother and business partner Roy desperately attempted to talk him out...

In the life of a film critic, there will always be one particular question that inevitably comes our way; what was the first film that started it all? For most of us, it was the first film we saw in a cinema that truly sparked our love of movies. Much like generations of children before me, my first trip to the cinema was to see a Walt Disney Animation Studios film. And I've been in love with Disney's special brand of magic ever since. The year was 1990 and...

With all theatrical releases postponed for the foreseeable future, it's left to the litany of streaming services to carry the torch for original film content until it's safe to return to the cinema. Unfortunately, we're not in awards season mode, meaning a service like Netflix has little to serve up but bottom-of-the-barrel titles like Michael Dowse's Coffee & Kareem; a "comedy" light on laughs and heavy on profanity and violence, echoing everything wrong with his disastrous 2019 flop Stuber. Netflix is a more suitable home for something so decidedly...

One of the biggest film casualties of the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal has been Alfonso Gomez-Rejon's The Current War; a lavish period biopic which was surely due to be Weinstein's great big Oscar hope of the 2017 season. After premiering at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival to a tepid response, Gomez-Rejon was furiously re-editing the film so as to meet its November theatrical release date when the Weinstein story broke. When The Weinstein Company naturally collapsed and the film was pulled from release, Gomez-Rejon raised an additional...

By virtue of unfortunate comparison to Pixar's impeccable back catalogue of masterpieces, every new film from the studio faces a dauntingly high bar to clear. Last year, Toy Story 4 somehow managed to defy all expectations and walk off with the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in the process. Sadly, Pixar's first of two films this year can't quite meet the dazzling pedigree of many of its contemporaries. While it's naturally wonderful to see Pixar return to fully original storytelling for the first time in three years, the...

In an era of remakes that do little more than slap a new coat of paint on a well-known story, you approach something like a reimagining of The Invisible Man with immense trepidation. Thankfully, this is one remodel that deftly proves its necessity. By flipping the narrative focus away from its titular character, writer/director Leigh Whannell offers a fresh take on H. G. Wells' 1897 novel that's as thrilling and terrifying as it is shrewdly relevant. With yet another impressive performance by Elisabeth Moss at its helm, The Invisible...

It's been over 115 years since Jack London released his classic wilderness adventure The Call of the Wild; a book most of us were likely forced to read during our early school years. After several big-screen adaptations over the last few decades, it's time to dust off the novel once again with 20th Century Studios (so long, Fox) offering another take on London's work. Given CGI photorealistic animals are all the rage nowadays, director Chris Sanders makes the confounding call to make his canine star Buck a completely computer-generated...

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